Sentdex 教你用Python Django做Web开发

Sentdex 教你用Python Django做Web开发

  • 课程主讲:
  • 所属机构:Sentdex
  • 视频数量:7讲
  • 所属分类:软件研发
  • 课程时长:1小时53分钟
  • 课程人气:2064

Sentdex 教你用Python Django做Web开发的相关介绍

    Django Web Development with Python Sentdex


    02-Creating App - Django Web Development with Python 2

    01-Introduction - Django Web Development with Python 1

    03-Jinja Templating - Django Web Development with Python 3

    04-Bootstrap HTML CSS - Django Web Development with Python 4

    05-Passing variables from python to html - Django Web Development with Python 5

    06-Beginning Blog - Django Web Development with Python 6

    07-Blog View and Template - Django Web Development with Python 7