TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018

TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018

  • 课程主讲:
  • 视频数量:22讲
  • 所属机构:Google
  • 课程时长:6小时8分钟
  • 所属分类:云计算

TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018的相关介绍


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    Eager Execution (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Training Performance: A user’s guide to converge faster (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2

    The Practitioner's Guide with TF High Level APIs (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Distributed TensorFlow (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    TensorFlow Lite (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Debugging TensorFlow with TensorBoard plugins (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Searching Over Ideas (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Reconstructing Fusion Plasmas (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Nucleus: TensorFlow toolkit for Genomics (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Open Source Collaboration (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Swift for TensorFlow - TFiwS (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    TensorFlow Hub (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Applied AI at The Coca-Cola Company (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Real-World Robot Learning (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    TensorFlow Extended (TFX) (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Project Magenta (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018)

    Join the TensorFlow Community

    TensorFlow + Swift

    TensorFlow Extended (TFX) & Hub (TensorFlow @ O’Re