Git Tutorial

Git Tutorial

  • 课程主讲:
  • 所属机构:
  • 视频数量:26讲
  • 所属分类:软件研发
  • 课程时长:3小时
  • 课程人气:4763
  • 在线播放
  • 分集下载

Git Tutorial的相关介绍


    Git Tutorial - 16 - Getting Old Versions from the Repository

    Git Tutorial - 17 - GitHub

    Git Tutorial - 18 - Pushing to a GitHub Repository

    Git Tutorial - 19 - gitignore and GitHub Desktop

    Git Tutorial - 20 - Committing Changes to GitHub

    Git Tutorial - 21 - Branches

    Git Tutorial - 22 - GitHub Watch Star and Fork

    Git Tutorial - 23 - GitHub Issues and Labels

    Git Tutorial - 24 - GitHub Wiki

    Git Tutorial - 25 - GitHub Organizations and Teams

    Git Video Tutorial

    Git Tutorial - 1 - How to Download and Install Git

    Git Tutorial - 2 - Config Our Username and Email

    Git Tutorial - 3 - Creating Our First Repository

    Git Tutorial - 4 - Commit

    Git Tutorial - 5 - Adding Files and the Commit Log

    Git Tutorial - 6 - Git Workflow

    Git Tutorial - 7 - How to Edit Files

    Git Tutorial - 8 - Viewing the Changes That You Made

    Git Tutorial - 9 - Comparing the Staging Area with the Repository

    Git Tutorial - 10 - How to Delete Files

    Git Tutorial - 11 - How to Move and Rename Files

    Git Tutorial - 12 - Working with an Actual Website

    Git Tutorial - 13 - How to Commit Directly to the Repository

    Git Tutorial - 14 - Checkout this video (Git it)

    Git Tutorial - 15 - Unstage Files