《Using the tf.data API to build input pipelines》
Discussing the Broad Applications of Machine Learning - TensorFlow Meets
Using TensorFlow to enable research & production - TensorFlow Meets
Teaching TensorFlow for Deep Learning at Stanford University - TensorFlow Meets
TensorFlow Meets - Chatting With the TensorFlow Community
Using the tf.data API to build input pipelines - TensorFlow Meets
Execute operations immediately with TensorFlow's Eager Execution
TensorFlow and Keras in R - Josh Gordon meets with J.J. Allaire
Focus on your experiment with TensorFlow Estimators
TensorFlow - the deep learning solution for mobile platforms
MiniGo: TensorFlow Meets Andrew Jackson
The growth of TensorFlow with added support for JS & Swift
At the intersection of TensorFlow & nuclear physics
NVidia TensorRT: high-performance deep learning inference accelerator
TensorFlow Hub: reusing machine learning modules