Xamarin Android

Xamarin Android

  • 课程主讲:
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  • 课程时长:25小时11分钟
  • 所属分类:移动开发
  • 课程人气:21983
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Xamarin Android的相关介绍


    46 Material Design Stand Alone Toolbar

    60 - Replacing Fragments

    74 SignalR Chat Client

    73 JSON with Facebook results

    72 Retrieving Email with Facebook Graph API

    71 Facebook Sharing

    70 Facebook Profile Picture

    69 Facebook Profile Info

    68 Facebook Login Manager

    67 Logging into Facebook

    66 Configuring the Facebook SDK

    65 Facebook SDK

    64 Global Values Part 2

    62 Nesting Fragments

    61 Handling Orientation Changes

    75 SignalR Chat Client Part 2

    63 Global Values Part 1

    78 SignalR App

    77 SignalR Chat Client Part 4

    76 SignalR Chat Client Part 3

    38 Google Sign In Part 3

    37 Google Sign in Part 2

    36 Google Sign In Part 1

    35 Creating a Simple Web Browser

    34 Scrollview

    33 Shared Preferences

    32 Passing data with Activities

    31 Animating Activities

    59 Touch Listener for FrameLayout

    58 Pull Up Fragment

    56 Adding Multiple Fragments to a FrameLayout

    55 Fragments

    54 Overlaying Toolbar

    53 FrameLayout

    52 Reverse Navigation Drawer

    51 Debugging Wirelessly

    50 Right Navigation Drawer

    49 Left Drawer Layout Part 2

    48 Left Drawer Layout

    47 Material Design Customizing Toolbar

    28 Gestures In Android

    27 Creating a Right and Left Drawer Layout

    26 Creating a Custom Action Bar

    25 - Material Design - CardViews

    24 Click events with Recycler View

    23 Implementing A Recycler View With Material Design

    22 Multithreading

    21 Retrieving data using REST services

    20 Inserting images into SQL with Web Request

    19 Inserting data into SQL with Web Request

    18 Loading Images Effeciently Into Memory

    17 Loading Images from Gallery

    16 Filtering a ListView using LINQ

    45 Material Design Toolbar

    44 - Google Maps - Drawing

    43 Google Maps - Info Windows

    42 Google Map - Markers

    41 Google Maps - Map Types

    40 Google Maps

    39 How to get SHA 1 for development

    15 Searching a ListView using LINQ

    30 Activities

    29 Card Flip Fragment

    14 Animating Views

    13 Creating a Swipe Refresh Layout

    12 Completing Sliding Tab Layout

    11 Sliding Tab Layout

    10 Sliding Tab Interface

    9 C# Events

    8 Creating a Dialog Fragment

    7 Customizing Buttons and Progress Bars

    6 Creating a Login System

    5 Listview Click Listeners

    4 Creating a Custom Listview

    3 Creating a Simple Listview

    2 Creating a ListView

    1 Setting up Xamarin