Android App Development Tutorial

Android App Development Tutorial

  • 课程主讲:
  • 视频数量:79讲
  • 所属机构:
  • 课程时长:7小时39分钟
  • 所属分类:移动开发
  • 课程人气:25585
  • 在线播放
  • 分集下载

Android App Development Tutorial的相关介绍


    57-Implementing Menu Layout _Creating ListFragment Context Menu

    53-Populating Layout With Received Data_Adding NoteViewFragment 03

    64 Implementing Category Button OnClickListener

    63 Creating AlertDialog Box

    81 Starting & Tweaking Preference Activity Fragment

    80 Creating Preference Fragment & Activity

    79 Creating Preference Fragment Layout

    78 Deleting Notes

    76b Creating New Notes _ Using Database Methods

    74-Getting Help From SQLiteOpenHelper

    72 Retrieving Data In Fragments

    71 Sending Data To Fragments

    70 Modifying NoteEditFragment For Note Creation

    69 Receiving Action Bar Selection

    68 Updating Action Bar Layout

    67 Retaining Information With OnSaveInstanceState

    66 Implementing Save Button OnClickListener

    66 Creating AlertDialog Confirmation Box

    62 Dynamically Adding And Starting Noteeditfragment 02

    76a Creating New Notes _ Implementing Database Methods

    52 Creating The Layout _ Adding NoteViewFragment 02

    51 Creating The Fragment Class _ Adding NoteViewFragment 01

    50 Starting NoteDetailActivity Via Intent

    49 Creating NoteDetailActivity

    48 Roadmap for our Note Taking App 02

    46 Finalizing And Filling Note List _ Custom ArrayAdapter 04

    45 Creating NoteAdapter _ Custom ArrayAdapter 03

    76 Using Database Methods

    75 Implementing Database Methods

    74 Getting Help From SQLiteOpenHelper

    34 Getting Data from a Different Activity

    33 Send Data to an Activity _ Android Intent

    32 How to Start a New Activity via Intent

    31 Introduction to Android Intent

    44 Custom ArrayAdapter 02

    60 Populating Layout With Received Note Data

    59 Creating The Layout _ Adding NoteEditFragment 02

    58 Creating The Fragment _ Adding NoteEditFragment 01

    55 Roadmap for Note Taking App 03

    54 Dynamically Loading NoteViewFragment

    44 Creating Note Data Structure _ Custom ArrayAdapter 02

    43 Creating Row Layout _ Custom ArrayAdapter 01

    42 Setting up an ArrayAdapter

    41 Road map for our Note Taking App 01

    40 Android Fragments

    39 Android Listfragment _ Implementing The Main Activity

    38 Android Floating Action Button

    37 Action Bar Explained with Example

    36 Create a Note Taking App

    35 Android Implicit Intent

    26 Creating Multiple Layouts With Android Studio

    25 Android Dimensions

    24 Defining Layout Text

    22 Working with Android Layouts

    21 Layouts Editor in Android Studio

    20 Android Layout _ Views & View Groups in Android Studio

    19 Android Tool Window _ Debugging in Android Studio

    18 Run Your App in AVD _ Emulator in Android Studio

    17 Create an Emulator _ AVD in Android Studio

    16 Configure Real Android Device with Android Studio

    06 Configuring New Project _ Targeted Device & Android SDK

    05 Configuring New Project _ Application & Package Name

    04 Adding Sdk Tools & Packages to Android Studio

    03 How To Download & Install Android Studio On Windows PC

    02 How to Install Java Development Kit (JDK) on Windows 10

    01 Introduction to Android _ Android Architecture

    30 Adding a Second Activity Without Android Studio

    29 Adding a Second Activity With Android Studio

    28 Working with Layouts _ UI Elements

    27 Android Activity Lifecycle

    15 Android Studio Values Folder Explained

    14 Android Folder Menu Folder Explained

    13 Android Studio Layout Folder Explained

    12 Android Studio Drawable Folder Explained

    11 Andriod Application Build gradle File

    10 Android Manifest File Explained

    09 Activities

    08 Configuring New Project _ Activity Customization

    07 Configuring New Project _ Adding an Activity